You are enough.

Modern, holistic mental health counseling to help you feel whole again.

If you are struggling, you are not alone.

My practice is focused on helping people who are managing anxiety and depression, as well as life transitions. I also work with individuals who are navigating chronic and major illnesses, and who are grieving a loss.

  • I focus on you as a whole person. My therapeutic style is warm, gentle, and non-judgmental.

  • I integrate a variety of tools and approaches into my therapeutic work. These include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR), Expressive Art Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing, as well as a number of other practices, as appropriate to your unique situation.

  • My goal is to help you develop kind, and empathic communication towards yourself, so that you can sustain the progress you make towards your goals.

I offer the following styles of therapy:

  • Traditional 1:1 Therapy - Conducted via telehealth in the comfort of your own home.

  • Walk and Talk Therapy - Conducted on local hiking trails and rail trails, this style of therapy is designed to help you connect to your body and nature as you work through the things that brought you to therapy. Walk and talk therapy is not appropriate for every client, issue, or weather event, and we will discuss your needs ahead of time to determine whether this is the right fit for you.

  • Short Term Therapy - Maybe you don’t love the idea of going to a therapist every week for a while? You have one or two really big problems that you need some help working through, but otherwise, things are actually pretty together. Or you’ve been in therapy before and you know all the things you are supposed to do, but you could really use a tune-up. Let’s meet once or twice, and get a plan together to move forward. This is NOT a quick fix for big problems- you are still going to need to do the work- but together we can make a sustainable plan that works for who you are and fits into your lifestyle.

  • Groups and Workshops - Groups and workshops are offered both in-person and virtually at various times during the year. Topics typically include self-care, relationship building, coping skills, and expressive arts.


I used to think the most important thing I could do was handle myself with grace.

When I fell short (and I often still do!) I fell apart.

I have learned that the real key is to give myself grace. When I am able to give myself, and those around me, grace, I can be my best and most authentic self.

This is the overarching skill that I bring into my therapeutic work. In our work together we will work on developing your compassionate voice towards yourself, and re-framing negative self-talk.

If you are ready to find out more about what to expect from therapy, lets schedule a time to talk, and see if we might “click!”

“Fall seven times. Stand up eight.”

—Japanese Proverb

Want to know more about how therapy can help?